Results for "speakers" Musical instruments for sale in Alberta
Organ A105 - $2750 - $2750
The B3 / Leslie audio at a portion of the expense. $ 2,750 or the majority of reasonable deal. This device is in...
WTB Organ audio tone taxi
I'm seeking an Old Hammond Tone cupboard. basically any D20, DR20, ER20 and so on. The aged ones with the area coil...
Ampeg V4 4x12 - $200 - $200
For sale is an Ampeg V4 4x12 guitar cab. Priced so low because one speaker is blown. They are easily replaced for...
Pro Audio Cables -- XLR, Snakes, Guitar, Db25, RCA, etc
Top quality pro audio cables assembled to your specifications including Snakes, Y-cables, Guitar, XLR, Speaker, Db25,...